It was quite a challenge when Tangentyere Artists commissioned Chapman & Bailey to design and fabricate the furnishings for a new retail shop and gallery in Alice Springs.

The original design featured winter sky Marblo resin desk tops and benches, floating limed ply box shelves and slim floating wall cabinets that could be moved to become installation plinths.

Budget short falls however demanded we pair back materials and the style and shape of the service desk/counter.

The timeline was imminent.

In 4 weeks Chapman and Bailey’s artisans installed a very practical furnishing fit out for the gallery. Its true beauty is the effect that leaves the artworks created by Tangentyere artists to shimmer and the furniture sits back and facilitates the service and displays that the gallery requires.

The cabinets are created from limed hoop pine, the desk is solid Victorian Ash with a floating limed ply panel at its front.

On the walls in a terraced configuration the satin lacquered shelves float, paintings and sculpture stand on the floating shelves for visitors to ponder.

Mark Chapman 2013

Image: Custom furniture made from Hoop Pine limed white

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