Our art-materials store and framing department is now open for appointment only. Please note that appointments are scheduled for a maximum 20 minutes. We are sanitising and cleaning the store between appointments and we ask that customers please bring your own mask and gloves (we will provide in-store if you forget). We are taking every precaution available to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers. If you are unwell or symptomatic please shop online or via phone and email orders.

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All appointments run for 20 minutes and are one-to-one with a framing or art materials staff member.
All surfaces and areas are sanitised between appointments and we kindly ask everyone to respect physical distancing guidelines.
Please bring a mask, we can supply new nitrate gloves.


Chapman & Bailey Framing:

350 Johnston Street,
Abbotsford, 3067.

T +61 3 9415 8666

Chapman & Bailey Art Materials

420 Johnston Street,
Abbotsford, 3067.

T +61 3 9417 0500
T +61 3 9417 7957